Looking for names of these young faces. 1941 vintage photo of the local Borowich School hockey team near Willingdon, Alberta. Faces and names unknown. Photo Credit: Unknown. Scan and Restoration from black and white print by Brian M Huculak
Looking for names of these young faces. 1941 vintage photo of the local Borowich School hockey team near Willingdon, Alberta. Faces and names unknown. Photo Credit: Unknown. Scan and Restoration from black and white print by Brian M Huculak
Circa 1930's. Unknown pioneers. If you have any ideas as to who these folks are please use the CONTACT link at the top of the page to send a note. Restoration Pending.
Circa 1930's. Unknown pioneers. If you have any ideas as to who these folks are please use the CONTACT link at the top of the page to send a note. Restoration Pending.
If you have any ideas as to who these folks are please use the CONTACT link at the top of the page to send a note. Restoration Pending.
If you have any ideas as to who these folks are please use the CONTACT link at the top of the page to send a note. Restoration Pending.
If you have any ideas as to who these folksare, or location, please use the CONTACT link at the top of the page to send a note. Restoration Pending.
If you have any ideas as to who these folksare, or location, please use the CONTACT link at the top of the page to send a note. Restoration Pending.
Typical Alberta country church wedding photo. If you have any ideas as to who these folks are, or location,  please use the CONTACT link at the top of the page to send a note. Restoration Pending.
Typical Alberta country church wedding photo. If you have any ideas as to who these folks are, or location, please use the CONTACT link at the top of the page to send a note. Restoration Pending.
Rumour has it this was a photo of Onufrey Shewchuk's farming operation - but any confirmation would be appreciated! please use the CONTACT link at the top of the page to send a note if you have any insights. Scan and Restoration from black and white print by Brian M Huculak
Rumour has it this was a photo of Onufrey Shewchuk's farming operation - but any confirmation would be appreciated! please use the CONTACT link at the top of the page to send a note if you have any insights. Scan and Restoration from black and white print by Brian M Huculak
Looking for any information on names, dates, place for this photo. Source was from Steve Shewchuk but his original source image was unknown. Likely old country Bukovina, Ukraine, but that's about all we know. Restoration pending
Looking for any information on names, dates, place for this photo. Source was from Steve Shewchuk but his original source image was unknown. Likely old country Bukovina, Ukraine, but that's about all we know. Restoration pending
Looking for names of these gentlemen (this and next photo closeup). Photo Credit: Unknown. Scan and Restoration from black and white print by Brian M Huculak
Looking for names of these gentlemen (this and next photo closeup). Photo Credit: Unknown. Scan and Restoration from black and white print by Brian M Huculak

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