1961 - Feb+Mar+Apr: John Huculak gets pinched for speeding 15mph over legal limit - DAD :-O From assorted documents from Kathleen Huculak's personal files discovered in 2024.
c.1960 diner place mat and menu from one of John and Kathleen Huculak's road trips. From Kathleen's personal scrapbook of travel memories.
1961: Cocktail bar or possibly motel napkin from John and Kathleen Huculak road trip. From Kathleen's personal scrapbook of travel memories.
10 Nov 1961 John and Kathleen Huculak (left side of image) make the Edmonton newspaper. From Kathleen's personal scrapbook.
c.1958 classic color postcard and matchbook cover from the Bel-Air Motel in Redding California. One can imagine John and Kathleen Huculak staying here during their long drive to visit John's Uncle Nick in Niles, CA. From Kathleen's personal scrapbook of travel memories.
c.1960 classic color postcard and matchbook cover from the Crossroads in Calgary. Look closely and there's an 8 door limo in the parking lot. From Kathleen's personal scrapbook of travel memories.
c.1958 classic color postcard and matchbook cover from the Bel-Air Motel in Redding California. One can imagine John and Kathleen Huculak staying here during their long drive to visit John's Uncle Nick in Niles, CA. From Kathleen's personal scrapbook of travel memories. imagine John and Kathleen Huculak staying here during their long drive to visit John's Uncle Nick in Niles, CA. From Kathleen's personal scrapbook of travel memories.
March 9th, 1961: receipt for long distance phone call made fwithin California by either John or Kathleen Huculak. Presumed to be on trip to Niles, CA to visit John's uncle Nick SHalk [Huculak]. From Kathleen's personal scrapbook of travel memories.
1956: Wedding Invitation for John Huculak and Kathleen Shewchuk wedding in Willingdon, AB.
16 June 1981: Congratulations certificate from Alberta Premier Peter Lougheed to John Huculak and Kathleen [Shewchuk] Huculak on their 25th wedding anniversary.
June 1981: Letter of congratulations from Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to John Huculak and Kathleen [Shewchuk] Huculak on their 25th (silver) wedding anniversary.
The magazine cover says it all! :-D Translation "Hammer". Digital magazine concept by Brian M Huculak from restored photo of father John Huculak.
c. 1961 Matchbook covers from some of the travels of John and Kathkeen [Shewchuk] Huculak. From Kathleen's memories scrapbook.
Huculak Finishers Limited - business card of John Huculak's carpentry business in Edmonton, Alberta from late 1960, early 1970 to Late 1990's.
31 March 1961: Canada Customs entry form John and Kathleen Huculak's road trip to and from the United States. From Kathleen's personal scrapbook of travel memories.
15 May 1963 GMC Fleetside pickup truck: 283 HP V8 Engine, dual horns, two tone paint, windshield wipers and washers, and inside rear view mirror to compliment the full view rear window are just some of the line items on one of John Huculak's vehicle purchases for a whopping $2540.00
Ispas church, north east of Willingdon, AB
Death Statement for John Huculak Sr (1904 - 1974)
Death Certificate Annie [Darda] Huculak 1960
This has an incorrect location for J.Huculak birthplace, see batpism. Marriage cert. for John Huculak & Annie Darda Nov 11 1928
John Huculak Sr. Baptism, born 1904
13 March 1964. Typical type of itemized receipts for mechanical worked carried out on farm equipment. John Huculak SR, Willingdon, AB, Scan and unedited by Brian Huculak.
Letter from United Grain Growers to John Huculak SR, 15 May 1961. Typical official type of farming correspondance.
John Huculak JR Fan Chart
Brian Huculak Fan Chart
Ben Macki Fan Chart
John Huclak SR + Annie [Darda] Huculak Family Waterfall
Nickola {Huculiak} Huculak family waterfall